Thursday 6 August 2020

Do you speak Chinese?

The strange thing about living in Asia is that I rarely feel guilty/self-conscious about not speaking a foreign language (specifically Chinese). Such is the liveability of Hong Kong, that I more or less get by, dodging conversations and avoiding awkward interactions. I can think of a few instances where I've felt inadequate for not knowing how to speak Chinese. This includes anytime I go to China. English being less prevalent in the mother country makes for frustrating times. So much so, I have no issues traveling alone to a foreign country, but doing China solo, well that intimidates me. Hard pass.

More recently, Taobao has filled me with a huge amount of guilt and ineptitude. The Chinese Online Marketplace is a treasure trove of items where savings and discounts can be found on most mainstream items. The issue being, there's no English version of the service. I have managed to navigate this app, through English "How to" guides and a reliance on Google Translate. Here's what I've purchased so far: Outdoor lights, alcohol cart, dining chairs, entryway cabinet, TV unit and a reading lamp. Not bad for somebody who can't read Chinese. 

Nb: I have had one failed purchase, the outdoor lights received were American Voltage. Fail.

In other news, work has awarded all employees an extra two days of annual leave starting in 2021. Nice touch, although I'll be interested to see how we can this leave.

Currently watching "David Foster Wallace's Commencement Speech: This is Water"

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