Sunday 26 July 2020

Unexpected pro

I don't know if 'side-effect' is the right word, but I would like to make mention of one of the unexpected positives from this whole situation. Pollution and weather. Now you can make the case that weather is unattributable to this whole pandemic, but I will say the pollution in Hong Kong this summer has been nothing short of amazing. This is what a typical day looks like as far as Air Quality Index (AQI).

What's so special about this you may ask? I wish I had an AQI screen capture from last year, or before this all went down. Take my word for it, Hong Kong pollution metres were working a lot harder back then, then they are now. I have never seen Hong Kong covered with green flags. Occasionally you'll see parts of Hong Kong green, but there has always been that occasional yellow flag (or red flag). It really is a joy to be outside in Hong Kong, air quality wise. Weather wise, well I am going to go out on a limb and say this is the best summer that Ive had in Hong Kong, as far as clear blue skies, tolerable humidity, lack of rain and mesmorising sunsets. 

That's kind of where the whole 'giving mother earth a break' chatter really stops. The amount of extra packaging produced from all the online shopping, all the food delivery and take away containers for those no longer able to eat in restaurants must be overwhelming on the waste and cleaning departments. Don't even get me started about all the extra tissues, hand wipes and medical masks ending up in water ways and landfills. It's all a little bit of a silver lining.

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