Saturday 8 August 2020

Western District Harbourfront

The new law requires all people in public to wear masks; this includes those doing exercise. Given that it's still summer time here in Hong Kong, with temperatures above 30° degrees celsius and humidity north of 80% there are naturally different levels of compliance with Mask Wearing, especially when it comes to outdoor exercise. Some people cover their nose and mouth (respect), some people will have the mask covering just their mouth, some people will wear it under their chin, and some people just don't wear a mask at all. I usually start with the mask covering my nose and mask, which is fine until the mask collects sweat and becomes a damp rag. After which it starts to feel like you're mildly being waterboarded each time you take a breath in, usually at this point I will pull the mask down sheepishly so that my nostrils are exposed. Sweet oxygen. What doesn't kill us ...

Finally managed to bring my phone out for a Saturday morning run. It's hot, it's humid but it's such a nice running route.

Finally restarted: "The Selfish Gene"

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