Tuesday 23 May 2023

48 hours in Cuba

With the US bachelor party wrapping up on Sunday, I found myself with 3 days to make my way to Turkey. The options were either to head over to Europe earlier or spend more time in the Americas. That was until somebody suggested Central America, well, specifically Havana, Cuba. It would not be enough time to explore the entire country, but amply time for a quick fly-in, fly-out. The plan would be to take a short 60 minute flight from Miami to Havana, stay in Vedado, do some sightseeing, eat some Cuban food and then pop back to Miami to get a flight out to Istanbul.

Stayed in a nice bnb in Vedado, did a lot of walking, probably should have stayed in old town, but was nice to get the steps up. The city is beautiful but you are constantly harassed by people trying to show you a tour, or a special event, or asking for money. The country was struggling, with complaints about a lack of groceries, gas and the higher costs of living. I ended up doing a private car tour for 130 USD, in hindsight I definitely got taken for a ride here. Beautiful city, but not cheap at all.

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