Sunday 25 August 2019


This one falls under the wedding invitation category "I'm surprised I was invited". There's been a handful of these invitations over my life, ultimately my decision to attend has been based purely on convenience. Although this should not be the case, anybody who has been kind enough to extend an invitation to me I should be making an effort to attend. That being said, travel is usually the biggest deterrent, and I can count the number of weddings that I've missed just due to travel requirements. The couple, I had met here in Hong Kong, super social, super active, super successful. My friendship with them is purely by association.

Enough about that, long story short. I decide to attend. My reasoning is as follows:

  1. As I get older, social circles grow smaller. So, if I've been invited to a wedding, I'm going to try to make an effort; 
  2. It's in Canada. Canada is far. But I've also never been to Canada; 
  3. Some of my favourite people are going to be attending the wedding; 
  4. I have to be on the West Coast the following weekend. 

Naturally, those may, or may not be ranked in some order.

It's a 14 hour flight. Back to point number 2, Canada is far. My first impressions are, that Vancouver feels a lot like Australia. There are also a lot of old people at the airport. After checking into the hotel, my first stop is a Vietnamese Restaurant. Don't ask me why, somebody told me Vietnamese food was good in Canada. Stop number two, Gorilla Surplus, a military supply store. I procure combat boots for the following week in Black Rock City. It's at this point in time, I'm given a lesson in navigating a city without UBER. I'm in the middle of nowhere on a major highway, with no ride. I walk for 30 minutes until I find a taxi rank and retreat back to safety, my hotel. Mental note, get the phone number of a taxi company.

Dinner downtown, followed by a stroll through Gastown before ending up on the craps table. My interactions with her are always so incongruent, I imagine it's what it's like to date somebody who's bipolar, or Kanye West. Saturday, explored Granville Island Market during the day before a leisurely boat ride back to the hotel.

There's a large group of people who have made the journey from Hong Kong to Vancouver and we occupy the rear corner of the venue. The ceremony itself was beautiful. Lovely speeches, a sensuous first dance and it's always a riot with this lot. Shout out to the band and the perfectly curated playlist.

Sunday, I'm still jet-lagged and have not slept well this entire trip. I check out of the hotel and explore Stanley Park. I can see why people rave about Vancouver.

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