Thursday 18 April 2024

Closing the Happy Valley chapter

The Happy Valley experience has been great, but it has not been without gripes. Moving from Sai Ying Pun to Happy Valley made sense at the time. Working in Wanchai, during Covid, more space, nice community. However circumstances have since changed. My office is in Central, sleep has become more difficult and now I need to mix things up. It's funny, because I've talked about moving for quite some time, and the Pros and Cons of Happy Valley are a fine balance. There's the ease of everything being available, and with the introduction of Marks and Spencer I really have no reason to leave the Valley, except for work, and for the gym, which incidentally happens enough. The wine stores, the grocery stores, the restaurant selection, the racecourse and the proximity to Causeway Bay.

However faced with the decision to finally renew or move, the decision to move was the one that made more sense. Plus dad got grumpy "Why don't you just move already?". So towards the end of April, I officially handed in my notice and gave myself a key return date of the 1st of June. The clock starts now.

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