Saturday 5 September 2015

Burning Man 2016: Carnival of Mirrors

Burning Man; Where do I even start?

#Dusty #Player #Amazing #OMG #humbling #indelible #lifealtering #seeyounextyear #LOL #seeyoueverotheryear #burners #player #theman #decommodification #OMFG #lacalaca #robotheart #newfriends #offthegrid #shirtcocking #needashower #dust #cold

So key points. It's as close to Never Never Land as you can get. It's whatever you want it to be. Music. Party. Art. Self Exploration. Self Improvement. I'll stop now as nothing I write will do justice to the event.

I left with changed views, feeling refreshed and energised but also sad and empty at the same time - Back to Reality.

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