Saturday 12 September 2009

Tier 2 Visa

First and foremost the status of my Visa application remains for the most part, still unknown. The process of gathering the required documentation and lack of correspondence still leaves me baffled. 15th of June we first made contact with the Immigration Lawyer. Almost 3 months down the track and I'm no closer to having a resolution.

As it stands, I'm now, no longer on the payroll and am showing good faith in working for the company unpaid. Which questions my motivation, working for free only to be reimbursed when I can be legally reinstated onto the payroll. The complications that this agreement poses is somewhat worrying and each day that passes leaves me feeling less confident. I have given myself until November for a resolution before I reluctantly pull the plug on my UK Nudie Run. Until then, watch this space.


Graham Miln said...

Any news about your visa?

generic nobody said...

We've finally received the Sponsorship License. Next stage, Entry Clearance back in Sydney! :)