Wednesday, 6 January 2016

48 hour water and tea fast

The apartment still smells. My housemates have left yet the smell insidiously lingers. Is this the offensive smell that my mother complained about when I lived in Sydney?

I wonder what the effect of this noisome would have on prepubescent females; they would gush and swoon leaving me with unexplainable pile of teenage bodies. Anyway. The first four days of the new year have been excess: Oolaa, Cha Cha Wan, Yung Kee, Tsim Chai Kee, Emacks and Bolio, Fu Sing, San Xi Lou, Carbone, Flaming Frangos and Tai Cheong. Non-stop eating.

Out of guilt and as an attempt to level out the volume of food I attempt my first 48 hour fast. Just water and green tea. Noticeable drop in body temperature and keto-breath that would also leave me with an unexplainable pile of bodies. All in all, aside from some jitters and the occasional lapse in focus I'm feeling pretty good.

I mentally put together my list of 2016 resolutions and prepare break fast at Island Tang with my uncle and auntie.

Currently reading: "Look Who's Back" - Timur Vermes


ThePhobic said...

You go on all these diets. Is there a diet you haven't been on!!! You r such a girl and a donkey!!

ThePhobic said...

You go on all these diets. Is there a diet you haven't been on!!! You r such a girl and a donkey!!