Saturday, 9 March 2013

DIY: Cottage Cheese

Way back when I was working in London, my boss at the time came in with some home made cheese. "It's not difficult, just takes a little patience a bit of time. Cottage cheese is the easiest, you don't need anything!". Investigation proved that cottage cheese and in fact most soft cheese are quite simple to make. Here goes.

Some local pasteurised, homogeneous milk, white vinegar and a thermometer.

Heat milk to 85 degrees Celsius, splash in the vinegar.

After a few moments the milk starts to separate into curds and whey.

Separate using cheese cloth, or in my case a soup bag.

Voila, whey and Cottage Cheese

Breakdown as follows. 1 litre (20 HKD) worth of milk made approximately 300 grams of curds. Time wise, it probably took around 30 minutes. Definitely more economical, but not by a lot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you must be really bored iN HK!! remember that salmon that we made!!!! hahahah! U are such a loser!