Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Middle Age

I'm probably one of the older folk out of the group of friends here in Hong Kong. Having seen forty years pass by, of which more than a quarter having spent here in Hong Kong - translating to some long friendships here as well as some important milestone birthdays. So with 2024 rolling in we start to see more of the friend hit 40 years old. One such friend decided to head to Sepang, Malaysia to drive Formula Renaults around the old F1 International circuit. The driving experience is organised by Malaysia's only ex-F1 driver, which involved two days of track days, a mammoth amount of time on the simulators, go karts and finally in the formula Renaults. It was genuinely terrified being in these cars, and despite feeling like I was Tom Cruise in Top Gun, the reality of it all was probably more akin to Driving Miss Daisy.

Racing cars is a lot different to driving a car. Pushing the car to the fullest. At the completion of the first few laps I spun out. One of the kids came over and said "You can go a lot faster". What an exhilarating experience!