Saturday, 28 October 2017

The Trip

A lovely day out on a boat. So grateful to have such great friends here in Hong Kong.

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Siem Reap

The final guy on the High school friends group to get married. Everybody is so grown up.

Beautiful wedding. Sometimes it's weird, my memories of these boys are frozen in time. From year 7 to year 12, which is over 17 years ago. It's unusual seeing them doing adult things. Getting married, having families, it feels like I'm a spectator watching a film.

Supposed to come back on Sunday, whole wedding party leaving for Phnom Penh. I've done zero sightseeing this trip. Hotel, pool, read, sleep. One more day of chilling out before another midterm exam ...

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Fall Mid Term Exams

It's my first mid-term exam in YEARS. Sure, I've had regulatory papers, and that failed GRE attempt, but for the most part I have not sat a three hour exam in ages. A little bit stressed out as it's after a full day of work. At least it's an open book exam albeit the size of my desk barely fits an A4 sheet of paper!

Monday, 9 October 2017

Mystery cake

Received an ice cream cake from an unknown sender.

It broke the office knife. I hope it's not poisoned, because I shared it around the office.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Los Angeles

I've been looking forward to this trip all year! The reasons for the anticipation have changed over time, but things were firmly fixed on seeing the Bride and the Groom. One thing that has been lingering is the fact that school has started and that I was set to miss lectures and that we had an Project Approval due whilst I was overseas.