The last few weeks; I've lost count of the number of times a medical professional has asked whether or not I feel heart palpitations, tightness in the chest or feeling light headed. Each time I answered no.
However, all this heart talk and the busy school schedule finally catches up on me. I find myself sitting in a lecture theatre. The lecturer stands behind the podium attempting to explain Principal Component Analysis (PCA), I don't understand what he's describing. I look around the class and think about what I need to pack for my trip tomorrow morning. Dam, I still need to pack. Suddenly, I can't breath. I have to consciously tell myself to inhale and exhale. Breathe in. Breathe out. I pull out my phone and Google what's happening. I'm having my first panic attack.
However, all this heart talk and the busy school schedule finally catches up on me. I find myself sitting in a lecture theatre. The lecturer stands behind the podium attempting to explain Principal Component Analysis (PCA), I don't understand what he's describing. I look around the class and think about what I need to pack for my trip tomorrow morning. Dam, I still need to pack. Suddenly, I can't breath. I have to consciously tell myself to inhale and exhale. Breathe in. Breathe out. I pull out my phone and Google what's happening. I'm having my first panic attack.