Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Breakthrough: Job Offer (#2)!

"I'm afraid I am going to have to turn down the offer"
"I don't understand. It's only been 1 day, maybe you should take a little longer to think about it?"
"I have concerns about it being a contract role"
"Let me see if I can speak with the client"
"Also, there's another firm that I just started interviewing with and I think that's a better fit for me"
"Have they made an offer?"
"No. In actual fact, I've only had one interview"
"You realise what you're leaving on the table here?"
"Yes, sure"
"Well, as long as you understand the opportunity you're giving up"
"I don't wanna come back in a few weeks time and reneg on the offer"
"Sure, I appreciate the honesty, I'll give you the weekend in case you change your mind"

That is the conversation that took place 6 weeks ago with my recruiter. 9 interview rounds later the gamble paid off and the "another firm" has made a job offer. What a relief!

However, there is a third opportunity that has now piqued my interest. Again, no job offer. Do I tempt fate and turn down a second offer for the third role?