Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Breakthrough: Job Offer!

One of my resolutions this year was just to participate in more job interviews. Not so much try to find a job, but at least become a better candidate in this tangled process for job acquisition. To date, my year has been productive based on that metric. the prospect has ultimately led to a job offer. Good firm, decent position, yet, I have declined the (contract) offer ...

Currently reading: "I am Pilgrim"

Monday, 2 May 2016

Shoulder soreness: Part 3

It has been over 9 months since I injured my shoulder. I have been quite diligent with my rehab programme with a lot of focus being spent on  scapula and rotator cuff strengthening exercises as well as lat and pec mobility.

The result is, my range of motion has improved and I am finally able to place load on my shoulder. Started with my weights on presses and have started back into more advance yoga practises.Certain positions still cause me discomfort, overhead hangs and high arm stretches but I could not be happier with the progress so far. Let's just hope I don't do something stupid (again) to re-injure myself. Just in time for summer.