Friday, 24 January 2014

National Peanut Butter Day

My tribute to National Peanut Butter day: Excess peanut butter consumption and a nice Peanut Butter Slice recipe. Not sure how legit this day is, feels like national Peanut Butter day everyday...

Friday, 3 January 2014

Ankle 2.0

After a long, agonising month, the day has finally come. The removal of the cast. The return of my foot.

Initial observations:
  1. My left leg has lost a lot of muscle mass, noticeably smaller than my right leg.
  2. I can't walk. It's literally like having a brand new foot that needs to be retaught how to walk.
  3. After a month in a cast without showering, my left foot does not smell like roses and rainbows. The offensive smell is permanent and after two showers it still lingers.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

What can I blend?

I still find it a little absurd that I spent close to 3500 HKD (500 AUD) on a blender. However I've had good utility with it so far. Heated up some water, made some quinoa pancakes and have incorporated juicing into my diet.