The most outstanding thing about Hong Kong is how easily accessible and affordable services are. Basic transportation, house cleaning, laundry, grocery delivery and even take-out delivered to your doorstep is readily available. There is somebody out there for every service imaginable - I'm sure I could even find somebody here to write/type up this blog entry for a small fee.
The workers vary from budding students, overseas immigrants to even the unskilled elderly. It's a sad sight and yet the nominal fee that we expect no change from probably assists in volumes both economically and mentally. I could never imagine Hong Kong offering more than a society with low tax and a lifestyle filled with luxuries experienced by the rich. Yet, despite the craziness I was shocked and impressed by the natural side of Hong Kong.
A long (40 minutes, 260 HKD by Taxi) ride out out of Hong Kong Central. A 20 HKD speed boat journey followed by a 40 minute hike and we came to Tai Long Wan also known as Big Wave Beach. Unbelievable. My first dose of Summer and Sunshine since 2010, I could get used to this.